Why Choose A Vintage Engagement Ring?


When you are thinking about proposing to your loved one, the first thing that comes to mind is getting her the right ring. This can be a difficult decision and can definitely take some time to figure out. Here are some reasons you should consider choosing a vintage diamond ring for your loved one:

  • Vintage Rings Have a Story: One of the best things about purchasing a vintage ring for your loved one is that it brings an intriguing quality with it. This is because the big mystery of the story behind it is something that you both could think about, even if the story is real or imagined. Some places that sell vintage rings may know the real story that is behind it. 
  • Vintage Rings Have Character: What's better than getting your loved one a ring that has a character of its own that is unlike any other ring that can be found out there? Vintage rings have some flaws due to its aging that gives it character. Of course, you will either love these flaws or hate them, but if your loved one enjoys historical vintage items, then they are sure to love a vintage ring, flaws and all. 
  • Vintage Rings Provide a Thrilling Search: When you are looking for the perfect vintage ring for your loved one, the search really brings a thrill. This is because you aren't going to find the right one just anywhere. The search is going to take a lot more time then looking for a new ring since you want to find a vintage ring that has aged well and is made of the right materials and color you are looking for. 
  • Vintage Rings Have a Historical Context: Besides its having a story behind it, a vintage ring also has historical context. This is because the ring was made during an era, which affects its style since it was made to please the trends of the day. You can find rings that are stylized to fit the era of the Roaring Twenties, and more! This can help add to the imaginative story that goes behind it, as well. 
  • Vintage Rings are Irreplaceable: As rings age, they gain an extra beauty. This is because rings age beautifully, especially yellow or rose gold. This aging quality cannot be duplicated in a new ring unless you wait quite a number of years for it to happen. 

Knowing some of these benefits of purchasing a vintage ring can help you to understand whether or not it is the right choice for your future engagement. 


11 December 2014

Caring For Your Jewelry

After my wife inherited a bunch of high-end jewelry from her mother, she started wearing it daily to work and special events. Unfortunately, after only a few uses we realized that she didn't know that much about caring for jewelry, and some of the pieces started to tarnish. She worked hard to learn what types of care each piece needed, and things started to improve. My website is made for people who might be new to caring for high-end jewelry. Check out these pages to learn how to keep your silver, gold, and precious gems gleaming for years and years.