5 Trendy Fashion Jewelry Gift-Giving Ideas For The Young Lady


Finding fashion jewelry for a teenage girl or young woman with discriminating tastes can be a challenge. If the individual enjoys the latest fashion jewelry trends, it help to know what's considered "in". Some fashion jewelry trends seem to be "timeless" while other trends come and go. The trick is to choose something that the recipient will appreciate year round, in a style that reflects her tastes. To get you started, here are five trendy ideas for fashion jewelry gift-giving:

1. An Arm Cuff

This is a fashion jewelry accessory that, at first glance, resembles a bangle style bracelet. The noticeable difference is that it is open-ended, making it adjustable. It's considered to be quite versatile, as one size fits most and it can be worn on the wrist (dangle-style) or higher up on the forearm area. Arm cuffs can be found in gold overlay, sterling silver, titanium, copper, pewter or solid gold. You may also find them in various designs. Solid metal is popular because it seems to complement most outfits and accessories nicely. However, shopping at fashion boutiques, you may find patterns in the likeness of birds and animals, leaf designs, swirls and coins. To help you choose, consider her personal style and things she prefers. For instance, the animal or nature lover might appreciate a leaf design arm cuff or perhaps an bird etching.

2. Ear Cuffs

Does your lady in question enjoy the look of earrings yet does not have pierced ears? If so, you might want to consider ear cuffs for your gift-giving. Even if the individual does not have multiple piercings in her ears, she can wear one, two, three or four of these ear cuffs to project that illusion.

These wrap style ear cuffs are often seen in stud style, although dangles are becoming popular as well. Some feature rhinestones or gemstones. You may find they reflect the "emo," "goth" and "punk rock" style best.

3. A Midi Ring (or Several)

It's trendy and fashionable, and the younger set seem to enjoy this look. Unlike traditional style rings, the midi design will be placed under the lower knuckle. This offers stacking possibilities. You may find midi rings at fashion boutiques and high end department stores.

For a nice presentation, consider giving her a midi ring set of three of more rings. These may be stacked on one finger or worn separately. Look for birthstone designs, "faux" diamonds or solid metal. You'll find fashion models and celebrities are going for this look, so it is a popular trend.

4. Rose Gold Colored Jewelry

If you're willing to spend a little more for solid gold, you might want to consider something in rose gold. It's a nice alternative from white, platinum or yellow gold and it generally complements most any clothing style or color. While some consider it trendy, others have owned antique jewelry from many decades past. So yes, it can be trendy, but it's also timeless. Look for earrings, bracelets, neck chains and rings in rose colored gold.

5. Black Hills Gold Fashion Jewelry

This is a nice gift idea that seems to be trendy or timeless depending upon how you view it. Originating from the Black Hills in North Dakota, this jewelry is seen in multi-colors of yellow, rose and green colored gold. Its design represents leaves of the Black Hills. Choose a Black Hills gold ring, bracelet or necklace as a fashionable gift.

One final thought: When choosing gold overlay or other metals for your fashion jewelry gifts, consider the alloys from which it is made. The fashion jewelry you choose should be made from a good quality alloy to avoid sensitivity issues or discoloring later on.


9 December 2015

Caring For Your Jewelry

After my wife inherited a bunch of high-end jewelry from her mother, she started wearing it daily to work and special events. Unfortunately, after only a few uses we realized that she didn't know that much about caring for jewelry, and some of the pieces started to tarnish. She worked hard to learn what types of care each piece needed, and things started to improve. My website is made for people who might be new to caring for high-end jewelry. Check out these pages to learn how to keep your silver, gold, and precious gems gleaming for years and years.